Top Insights from the Best: Top Insights for CEOs, Sales & Marketing Leaders and Investors from the best experts in the world.

Top Insights From the Best: Josh Braun

Zorian Rotenberg Season 1 Episode 9

Since Josh Brauns’s childhood, he was passionate about teaching others. By the early 2000s, Josh became a full-fledged salesperson working for a tech company.  For a long time, he kept the two worlds of sales and teaching separate, thinking that they had nothing to do with each other. But the more he sold the more he realized that the worlds of teaching and selling aren’t that different. They both require to connect with audiences in compelling ways, to tell stories and most of all, to make other people happier.  Josh found a way to bring these two worlds together in his books, courses and workshops. Now he is doing the thing he loves – teaching – while sharing the sales knowledge he has accumulated.

In this episode:

- Learn about Josh Braun and how he went from an English teacher to a renown Sales Expert with a massive and active LinkedIn following all while being a Triathlon pro

- The power of "heard and understood"

- Why you shouldn't overcome an objection but align with it

- How Josh implemented the FBI negotiating and communication techniques in sales 

- How to use mirroring, labeling and the accusation audit in sales prospecting just like Chris Voss

- What is a late night DJ FM voice and why it matters for sales 

- Using "illuminating questions" vs leading questions and creating an information gap

- What is Play #41 in the Bad-Ass Sales Guide

- How to "detach from the outcome" to win in sales

- What is a "commission breath" and how to rinse it out

- Avoiding the "Yes Trap" and going with a No