Top Insights from the Best: Top Insights for CEOs, Sales & Marketing Leaders and Investors from the best experts in the world.

Top Insights From the Best: Chris Lytle

Zorian Rotenberg Season 1 Episode 17

Chris Lytle has conducted more than 2200 seminars throughout the English-speaking world. A gifted speaker and teacher, Chris inspired and educated countless radio advertising sales professionals for 44 years. He is famous for providing “more usable information-per-minute” than anyone else in the business.  Chris is the author of the business bestsellers, The Accidental Salesperson: How to Take Control of Your Sales Career and Earn the Respect and Income You Deserve and The Accidental Sales Manager: How to Take Control and Lead Your Sales Team to Record Profits. His company, Instant Sales Training, continues to deliver his sales training in easily digestible knowledge bites. This automatic sales improvement process revolutionizes the way sales managers develop the people who develop their profits.  Chris’ mission is making successful people and companies even more successful.

In this episode:

- About the "Forgotten Rookie" & Sales Management Trap

- Why there is so much risk when promoting an AE to a Sales Manager

- How a new Sales Manager mitigates the "Unknown Unknowns" in the role

- Why companies do sales training yet they don't do manager training

- Where to focus as a priority - why a Sales Manager is more important as a driver of results than sales reps

- Why companies promote their A-Players and top performers away from the role where they are highly successful into a role where they don't know anything about and don't always perform well as a manager

- How and why sales are won in the Discovery phase

- What makes someone a good sales rep & the value-add concept

- What is a Sales Pipeline Angioplasty and how to purge out unlikely Opps

- The difference between Prospects & Information Seekers and about engagement metrics and next steps in the sales process